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Searching For: 2326-5825 2326-5833

Domain Analysis of IL-1 Receptor-Associated Kinase 1

There are four IL-1 Receptor-Associated Kinase (IRAK) family members in mammals, one of which is IRAK1. IRAK1 interacts with IRAK4,…

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Views: 1

Estimation of Relative Survival Based on Cancer Registry Data

Relative survival rates are suitable for the comparison of survival information between patient groups with different age structures. They are…

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Views: 1

Use of Concave Corners in the Segmentation of Embryological Datasets

Embryologists require identifiable factors when analysing embryos grown in-vitro that can better predict an embryos successful development in the uterus.…

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Views: 1

Use of Concave Corners in the Segmentation of Embryological Datasets

Embryologists require identifiable factors when analysing embryos grown in-vitro that can better predict an embryos successful development in the uterus.…

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Views: 1

Diagnosing Diabetes Type II Using a Soft Intelligent Binary Classification Model

Diabetes, named also silent killer, is a metabolic disease characterized by high blood glucose levels, which result from body does…

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Views: 1

A Survey: Evaluation of Ensemble Classifiers and Data Level Methods to Deal with Imbalanced Data Problem in Protein-Protein Interactions

Over the past few decades, protein interactions have gained importance in many applications of prediction and data mining. They aid…

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Views: 1

The Inverse Aspect of Metaheuristics for the Parameter Identification of S-systems

The genetic regulatory network, which is constructed from the time-courses data sets, is always described as highly nonlinear differential equations.…

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Views: 1

Mining Temporal Association Rules from Time Series Microarray Using Apriori Algorithm

Microarray Technology is used to automate the diagnostic task and improve the accuracy of the traditional diagnostic techniques. Analysis of…

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Views: 1

Are Signature Proteins the Key to Evaluating Eukaryotic Phylogeny?

Eukaryotic Signature Proteins (ESPs) are proteins that delineate the eukaryotes from the archaea and bacteria. They have no readily recognisable…

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Views: 1

Material Modeling and Finite-Element Analysis of Active-contractile and Passive Responses of Smooth Muscle Tissue

The present work deals with smooth-muscle-tissue material-model development and its use in finite-element computational analyses. In the first portion of…

Real Time Impact Factor
Views: 1


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